August 22, 2021

Listen Carefully.png

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father… Here I am. I worship and adore You in this moment. I am so looking forward to this day in Your felt presence and love. I surrender in advance, this deep concern I have the extreme weather patterns across the world, most especially _________ (name the location the Holy Spirit is directing you to pray for). I pause and wait on You for how to pray and battle in Your name for those affected ______ (take time to do this). Jesus, in these trying hours, my eyes are upon You! As I meet with my church family, may I be a huge blessing, comfort, and encourager today! In Your Name Above All Names, Lord Jesus. Amen!

… Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.

Isaiah 55:2