September 4, 2021

Belt of Truth.png

Morning Moment of Prayer… 

 Dear Heavenly Father… I am standing upon Your word in this moment as various circumstances, and people are on my heart to pray and battle for in the Spirit ______ (name them and take time to pray for them). Father, I declare Your presence, power, and will over each and every one of these situations. I am SO grateful that the belt of truth is part of your spiritual armor that I “put on” every morning before starting my day. You have not left me defenseless!! Instead, You have given me everything I need to walk humbly but boldly in Your Name throughout my day. And it is in Your Most Excellent Name I pray, King Jesus. Amen!

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness… Ephesians 6:14