February 23, 2022

Morning Moment of Prayer...

Dear Lord Jesus...I quiet my heart in Your great and majestic presence. With world events changing daily, I sense Your support and strength surrounding me as I gather all of my thoughts and tell them to be still. As I wait in the hush of this brand-new morning, I sense Holy Spirit at work in my life. I pray for fresh, life-giving revelation from your written Word, the Bible. I want to be sensitive enough to hear Your voice direct my day. I am Yours, Lord. Be glorified in my life today. In the exquisite Name of King Jesus. Amen!

They confronted me in the day of my calamity,
But the LORD was my support.

Psalm 18:18

NOTE! So sorry everyone, I was unable to post for a few days due to being at a high school camp with 300 students and no wifi or hotspot! But God was on the move in a mighty way…