March 6, 2022

Morning Moment of Prayer… 

Dear Lord Jesus…I worship and adore You in this moment _______ (take time to do this). Today, I set my thoughts completely on You. I choose not to receive any thoughts that do not bring You glory or rob me of Your peace and joy. How thankful I am for Your ordering my thought life! For years my thinking was bombarded with every kind of thought in the world, but Holy Spirit and Your Word have brought my mind clarity and healing. Once again, I also set my heart to pray for the ongoing situation in Ukraine. Once again, I pray for those in my circle of influence who need Your touch. I am ready! In the Incomparable Name of Jesus. Amen!

Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:13

NOTE: Did you know that I am now offering Steps to Breakthrough online? Check it out and invite your friends (women only): Click Here for more info.