April 11, 2023

Morning Moment of Prayer…  

 Dear Heavenly Father… Today I rest in You. As come before You in love and worship, I know that You hold my very breath in Your hands. Because of Your great faithfulness to me, I know that my every need will be met: spiritually, emotionally, financially, and physically. I pray for Holy Spirit help to capture any stray thoughts today and cause them to bow before You. May I impart something of Your love and power for those in need around me. In the All-Powerful Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
Romans 8:32

Hi There! I want to share with you that the Lord has opened a wonderful opportunity for me to take a mission trip this coming September 20-30 to a closed-access country (closed to open preaching of the gospel) in the Middle East. Our mission will have three main focuses for this trip.

  • Cultural Immersion

  • Biblical Experience

  • Missional Opportunity

I have personally been praying for this nation for almost four years, not knowing that a door would someday be open for me to visit there!

First and foremost, I request your prayers for this trip as the Lord leads you. Prayer is by far the most essential aspect of this journey. I can’t stress that enough.

Along with prayer, if you sense that you would like to invest, no matter how small or large the amount, in the funds needed for me to take this trip (about $3,200), that would be a huge blessing. We will be purchasing the airline tickets in just a few weeks in mid-May. But please, feel no pressure to do so!

Here is the link to my website donation page to make a tax-deductible gift:


 Thank you for considering praying for this journey and possibly supporting it financially.

In Him,