June 13, 2023

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Heavenly Father…Oh, how I love Your Word! As I open it today, I hear Your life breath in every sentence. I thank You that one phrase is like a treasure chest that I can reopen and hear in a fresh and new way over multitudes of times, speaking directly into my situations and what is going on worldwide. I love that as I read Your written Word, I sense Lord Jesus’ presence, the Living Word (John 1:14), through the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching, guiding, comforting, and healing me physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. I am ready, and in Lord Jesus’ All Powerful Name, I pray. Amen!

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul;
the testimony of the LORD is sure,
making wise the simple;

Psalm 19:7