September 4, 2023

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…When I enter your throne room, I realize that I am standing on Holy Ground. As I wait in Your presence, no matter where it is, You cause the very atmosphere around me to be transformed by the power of Your Holy Spirit. I am Yours, Lord. And I know that no matter what I encounter today, You have already gone before me. Yet, I know that I can walk out from under Your covering by making my own self-determined decisions. I have messed up plenty of times doing that in my lifetime, and I no longer want to live that way. Lord, take the reins of my life completely. I surrender now. In Your Powerful Name, King Jesus. Amen!

Then He said, "Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.
Exodus 3:5