Morning Prayer ~ September 16, 2024

Morning Moment of Prayer…

Dear Lord Jesus…I am ready for this day, all because of You! I am so thankful that You have called me Your own and that You completely surround my coming and going. I thank You that fear is no longer a part of my life and that Your kingdom, not any kingdom or nation on the earth, is the one I love and serve first and foremost. Please work through me today to be a light and encouragement to everyone I meet, seeing Your Holy Spirit’s supernatural gifts of prayer language, prophecy, discernment, or any of them, displayed through my life to bring others into Your embrace. In Your Extravagant Name, Lord Jesus. Amen!

There your people finally settled,
and with a bountiful harvest,
O God, you provided for your needy people.

Psalm 68:10 NLT