I am really a pretty driven person. I am basically have a “Type A” personality, however, because I am clothed in goofiness, I fool a lot of people…but not the Lord.
He wired me this way. It has its good side…and…it has its down side.
The upside has been my (almost) daily pursuit of Jesus’ presence and the power of the Holy Spirit. The down side of a driven personality is the propensity to try to make things happen. Hmmm…that’s not so hot in the Kingdom of the Son of His Love.
Last summer, while racing to write a self-published book in time for a conference, my driveness nearly sidetracked all that Jesus was trying to do in my life at that time. About mid-July a dear friend had a “picture” for me that spoke of doing God’s work…yet being far from His heart. He wanted me to rest in Him. Ouch!
About two days later, at a small prayer gathering, the leader felt the Spirit’s nudging to look up all of our names. Ironically, my first name, “Susan,” literally means “lily.” Honestly, I have lamented about having such a “boring” name. Why not “warrior,” “princess,” or “harvestor,” as some of the definitions were for people that night? Nope…my name means…Lily.
The next morning…I “accidentally” turned to…
"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;”
Matthew 6:28
Toiling and spinning are pretty darn good definitions of a driven personality…I had to laugh…God is SO good…and SO great…and SO has my number.
Later that month, after sharing at a retreat, I was presented with a “prophetic” piece of art. Every inch of this painting confirmed what Jesus had been speaking to me all year…but what brought the biggest smile? A cluster of lilies at the top right. Ahhhh…rest…yes…rest in His arms.
Now…how about you? Are you “driven” about something? Trying to help God out and make something happen? Take if from Lily, here. Rest in Him. Let Him do the heavy lifting. Let Him work His wonders in your life…yes...rest...
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