True Confessions...

True confessions...

I have spent about the last six weeks in a quandary of my own flesh and the devil’s making. I let the joy of the Lord be stolen from my workplace.

“Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Nehemiah 8:10b

You see...throughout most of the spring, I was privileged to speak at a few retreats and conferences. No thanks to me, but all glory to King Jesus...He showed up at these times. And...I got a little too big for my breeches. (I hope you can hear the whiney tin to my voice here).

I struggled working forty hours a week in the secular marketplace...'cause, well...I was thinking God needed me know...Christendom as a whole...needed me. (I hope you are laughing and shaking your head at me by now.) I lost my joy for what I was truly created for...praying with people one-on-one. Mostly with those who don’t know Him yet.

I don’t know what you are letting rob you of joy today...but whatever it is...give it to Jesus. Let HIM call the shots. Break the agreements you have been making with the enemy. Repent. Let the Holy Spirit flood you with fresh joy. Jesus’ joy.

Oh! It is so good to be back in the deep waters of His effervescent presence...and joy! (Work has been a blast!)

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(photo: Jamie Jones Photography)