We're Invited to a Party...

We have been invited to a party...

“He brought me to the banqueting house,
And His banner over me was love.”
Song of Solomon 2:3-4

God is presenting us with a feast ...a party...everyday of our lives. It is when we DO NOT accept His invitation that we miss out. Simply read Luke 15:31 to sear that truth to your soul.

He calls us to the satisfying and joy-filled wonder of the feast of His Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit no matter what we are facing in THIS moment…difficult or fun-filled, tragic or deliriously happy. His feast awaits, free of charge (Isaiah 55:1-2).

It is the only party where you can find...fulfillment ...satisfaction...true happiness...and beyond reason love.

Maybe you have been going to less-than kind of parties?

I can write this because I have known terminal cancer and exhilarating life, the death of dreams and the rebirth of new, extremely better ones....and, every other challenge and blessing that life has to offer.

His banquet is ALWAYS set and a place with our name on it is always reserved...And…as we accept His invitation…we enter His courts with the banner of His love flying high over our heads.

What could be sweeter?