Master Architect...

I think we all catch this Scripture’s meaning...

“Unless the LORD builds the house,

They labor in vain who build it;

Unless the LORD guards the city,

The watchman stays awake in vain.”
Psalms 127:1

Let’s be spared much pain, heartache, wasted time, lost resources, loss of happiness, and peace of mind: If the Lord isn’t the One spearheading, leading, designing, and implementing our every endeavor, we might as well pack in our plans and call it a day.

Life is just different when we make Jesus the Chief Contractor. His style of building a life makes Him the Master Architect with exquisite beauty in mind for each of us.  Every corner is metered, every detail has the Artist’s eye and aesthetic. Every internal brace has the ability withstand any storm. Every nuance has eternal ramifications.

And finally, He is trustworthy to watch over and guard what He has so lovingly and tenderly built. Anything less than His complete input is a vain pursuit. Let’s not waste another moment trying to build our lives ourselves.