The Best Medicine Cabinet

I think every person should have their own personal Psalm. Out of 150, there is one for you. I am sure of this. Honestly.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105

The Psalms are like one big medicine cabinet. I know. This is crude and simplistic, nevertheless, whatever ails your life, you can most likely find the answer from God’s Word in the Psalms.

Psalm 18…brought my freedom from bondage
Psalm 27…called me into His extravagant presence
Psalm 91…I heard His heart for me during cancer
Psalm 107…encouraged my family through some tough decisions
Psalm 149…caused me to worship in warfare in the Spirit.

You get the idea.

May I encourage you to first read straight through the Psalms at kind of a quick pace. Take them everywhere with you. Take a dose before bedtime with a refreshing drink of Holy Spirit living water. Then, return to the beginning and savor each chapter slowly.

Find the Psalm Jesus is giving just for you.