Into the Deep...

Often Jesus is calling us to go deeper than we want to go…

When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."

Luke 5:4

Recently, my son-in-law stated: I wish everything didn’t always require faith! We laughed out loud. How many times have we felt the same way?

Nevertheless, when we signed up with Jesus – you know – invited Him to be Lord of our lives, we stepped from the realm of our controlling our destiny, to fully trusting Him. And that requires our faith. And often, He calls us into the deep waters of trust rather than safely standing on the shore, missing the adventure – missing Him.

What area of your life is Jesus calling you to deeper trust about? Don’t delay in responding to Him. Just read the rest of Luke 5 and see the splendor of what He can do in your situation.
