A Sack of Wheat...and More...

The Word of God is like a sack of wheat…

"But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands [it], who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty."
Mat 13:23

You have probably heard this type of story before:

A relief agency heads into a famine-entrenched area with sacks of seed to grow life-giving crops for generations to come. Nevertheless, the impoverished people are so starved they tear into the bags of grain and devour them. Nothing is planted, nothing is sown, and nothing is cultivated. Life-sustaining harvests that might have fed them for years are no more.

This is the same for us if the only spiritual nourishment we receive is when Sunday rolls around. Our pastor’s teaching from God’s Word feeds us for a moment. However, because we don’t sow the seed of His Word for ourselves - cultivating and nurturing it with daily attention – we are spiritually famished. We wonder why God seems far away, guidance is hard to come by, and His voice seems to be quiet.

Instead, let’s stop having our only spiritual meal once a week and sow a rich harvest of His Word in our lives that will be lush and bountiful for years to come. Jesus promises: we will never be hungry.

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