Thoughts from Dayspring...


“Don’t grieve God. Don’t break his heart. His Holy Spirit, moving and breathing in you, is the most intimate part of your life, making you fit for himself. Don’t take such a gift for granted.” Ephesians 4:30 MSG

The hot water swirls around me as I lean my back against the cool porcelain. My hands slowly push the bubbles around causing their sweet floral scent to fill this small space. I close my eyes and let it envelope me. Finally! Some peace. Some quiet. Some much needed “me time.” I reach out and grab my book whose fiction will take me away from my cares of the day. I, once again, lean back and stretch out to the sounds of the rushing water filling the tub, a good book in my hand and…


I sit up abruptly, toss the book to the floor, shut off the water, and put my ears on high alert as my heart races.

And just like that I’m interrupted.

This is what I thought of as my pastor said these words, “Holy Spirit, interrupt us!”

The Bible is full of such interruptions. Think about Mary and Joseph, the shepherds in the fields, the fishermen casting their nets, David, Saul, the woman at the well, and so many others who were just minding their business when they were divinely interrupted.

And yet here we are, too often preoccupied with our own agendas to be interrupted by God.

My pastor went on to say that we find ourselves too busy for church yet we make time to watch a two-hour mind-numbing movie. We are too busy to read the Bible but we find time to read the books we enjoy. We are too busy for God, yet we find time to hit snooze over and over again.

Oh Holy Spirit! Interrupt us, we so need it!

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by Dayspring Boldt Broxton