Really. Every one of us is a leader...
From the clan of Hebron came Hashabiah. He and his relatives—1,700 capable men—were put in charge of the Israelite lands west of the Jordan River. They were responsible for all matters related to the things of the LORD and the service of the king in that area.
1 Chronicles 26:30
We are all called and all Christ followers have the Holy Spirit residing in them. All of us can pass on what we know and love about Jesus and His Word to another. You have something that someone else needs. You have Someone someone else needs, too. Don’t let others have all the fun and excitement. Really.
Starbuck’s is just waiting for you to reach out to your co-worker, neighbor, or friend and show up for an informal time of studying God's Word together. You might try using the simple CrossPointe Bible Study tools that can be found online at Or simply meet to talk about life together in Him. There is someone waiting for you.
And, you are a leader.