My Secret...

My secret is simple..jpg

My secret is simple. I pray...

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit...”
Ephesians 6:18a

No, I am not talking about our alone, quiet, secret place time with the Lord Jesus where we simply come to drink in His presence and hear His immediate and always ready voice in our lives. Rather I am talking about when we are doing battle for loved ones and situations that need God’s hand to move.

The verse above falls in at the end of Paul’s discourse on spiritual warfare and our putting on God’s armor. However, how many of us – myself included – forget to suit up? How often do we forget that King Jesus has placed His authority in our hands to speak to mountains and watch them move in His name?

To see lives and circumstances healed, saved, and delivered we must take the time to listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading. We must be willing to put on His armor and stand in prayer battle mode against our adversary, the devil. We must know what God's Word reveals about who we are in Christ. And we must lay down our will for the will our beloved Commander of Angel Armies.

It is time for us to bring heaven down into the hellish circumstances around us. And it all begins with us...each of us leaning hard into the Spirit’s embrace and standing in the power of His might.

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