Wonder-full Mystery...


Honestly. These words leave me breathless in wonder...

"To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."   Colossians 1:27

I think someone just needs to be reminded of this truth. Jesus lives in you if you have received Him by faith. That simple asking Him to come into your life and let Him rule.

He lives in you. He lives in me. Will we ever understand this fully? No, I don't think we can comprehend even a thimbleful of this truth this side of heaven -- yet, it IS the truth.

So remember. It is not up to you to get it right. It is not up to you to get your act together. It IS up to you to surrender to Him as best you can and pursue a personal relationship with Almighty by coming as you are, broken and worn, and making Him King, Lord, and the Lover of your life.

He lives in You. Revel, relish, and live in this grand mystery.