Has the Lord given you a glimpse of your future, but not many details of how to get there?
"Now it happened, on a certain day,
that He got into a boat with His disciples.
And He said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake."
And they launched out."
Luke 8:22
I have come to realize that this is usually Lord Jesus’ MO – His modus operandi. We often question His will for our lives because we only receive a glimpse, but the how-to’s and success rate aren’t often something He clues us in on. You too?
Nevertheless, how often do we let those very things keep us from all that He has for us? Often, I am afraid.
For King Jesus, it is all about the journey and not so much the destination. He wants us to cling closely to Him for the where’s and what’s of His adventure – to use the word “plan” here is too tame – so He keeps the details we long for close to His heart. He simply wants us to launch out and trust Him for the rest. Yes, really.
Inevitably, when the disciples drew closer to the other side of the lake, everything started coming into focus. One row of their oars at a time, their vision became clearer. But first, they had to step foot in the boat with the Lord and trust Him completely. They DID make it to the other side and oh what an amazing time they had!
What keeps you from launching out? Don’t let it any longer. Jesus is waiting for you to set sail with Him and you won’t be disappointed.