Honestly. Comfort is highly overrated...
"Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid,
nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is
with you wherever you go.""
Joshua 1:9
As many of you know, my husband, Randy, and I recently “retired” from being pastors of a much younger, vibrant, multi-ethnic – though predominantly Asian – church. We have LOVED what the Lord has done in our lives these – gulp – past forty years of pastoring four different churches. But I am tellin’ ya, the best is yet to come!
We didn’t retire for comfort, to enjoy our golden years, or slow down. Instead, you can’t stop us, shut us up, or keep us at home – we just have too much to do for King Jesus yet.
Comfort is boring. There I said it. Book of Acts living isn’t. And I be wanting more and more of that open heaven, Holy Spirit filled way of life. Our calendar hasn’t lessened, it has increased. Nope, not bragging, I just think He wanted our “yes” to open doors that we could never have opened.
So, what is your story? Whatever it is, don’t make comfort your goal. You will be gravely disappointed. Joshua saw big things and lived a large life for His Creator. I want to do that too, and I will bet that you do as well.
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