Blame Game...


It’s never about others. Jesus is after us...

Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves…

2 Corinthians 13:5

It is so easy to look to others as the reason for our unhappiness, our dissatisfaction, or our stuff. If only… we think about those close to us. If only – they were different… We pray and pray for the folks in our lives to change, but God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers. So, we remain stuck. Stuck in our lives.

Does this resonate with you in any way? Have you ever had these thoughts? Been there, done that myself. Yet, it wasn’t until I let Jesus ruthlessly speak into my life about my stuff, my selfishness, and my issues did radical transformation happen in me and around me.

Someone needs to hear this. You are blaming others, yet King Jesus is after you. Nothing is going to change around you until you let Him deal with you first. Stop playing the blame game, because healing and restoration begins with you. Let Him clean your house and then see the bounty of His abundant life explode around you.